Day One - Tokyo, Japan Trip!

Let me start off by saying HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! But now it's time to get back to drawing board. But before I get back to it let me catch you up on a few things.

Most of know that I went to Tokyo a few weeks back (last year if you want to be technical about it). I want to apologize for not getting pictures and news updated sooner but due to the Holidays and some close personal issues it pushed me back a lot longer that I thought it would.

Well... I think I am finally ready to fill you in on my INCREDIBLE experiences in Tokyo. One I will never....EVER forget. I brought back tons of pictures and some cool videos to share! Stuff that I thought I would never see in my life (So get ready to be green with envy! :D). I want to thank Ray Goto and the rest of the faculty and staff of SCAD for selecting me to be apart of this awesome venture. So without further delay let's see Tokyo!!! Well... sorta...


We arrive safe and sound in Tokyo.

While we were waiting for out bags I get my first taste of the culture. A Japanese guard greeted us and introduced himself to me. I thought it was really cool because he spoke a bit of english mixed in with Japanese!

We took a picture together and out of no where he throws up this semi " gansta " sign and nudged me to pose like him. I was like WHAT?!! So I struck the pose and here we are two international GANGSTAS!!!!

After arrive at our hotel we were desperate for some true Japanese grub!

Here's my first Japanese meal... Raman!!!! What else would it be? :D

After the meal I went to bed. I know that sounds boring but believe me, there some REALLY cool stuff comin' up next. So stay tuned!!!


Sean Galloway said...

hahahaha this looks like a ton of fun, man!

lookit you trying to get a government official in trouble! :P

Joshua Greathouse said...

Ahhhh, did the big bad scad students scared Mister Greene? Haha can't wait to see what you say about the trip. Hope your new year is going well. Things are going well here. Just getting back to the swing of things. Talk to ya later and I hope you're not too shell shock from us.

d said...

The great Asian Invasion has come to challenge the Harlem Heat!! Do you accept? > : D ha ha! The battle is ON and Dawn the awesome will win!

Man, Japan was epic. Those photos make me so nostalgic :)